A top-up plan is a regular health insurance policy that covers hospitalization costs but only after a threshold limit (i.e., deductible), is crossed. It gives additional coverage, beyond the threshold limit of the existing health insurance policy in a single bill. The threshold limit can be met by a health insurance policy or by self-funding also. However, it is not mandatory to have a base policy to buy a Top-Up Mediclaim Policy. The policy can be issued on an Individual or Floater basis.
Basic Top Up Plan will have a deductible limit in each hospitalization, wherein Super Top UP Plan will be in force once the threshold limit is crossed in the policy year. The super top-up plan only exists nowadays as most health insurance companies have modified their offerings based on the changing times and requirements. If both the base plan and super top-up plan is taken with the same insurance company, then it is even more ideal as it will provide them enhanced cover through the cashless treatment itself if the treatment is availed through a network of hospitals of the respective health insurance provider.
Hence, it is advisable to take the TOP-UP plan during the renewal period of the base plan so that both the plans will be active for the same period thereby enhancing the coverage.
Super top-up plan will ensure that in case of longer hospitalization, this will be very handy as the cost of Room rent is going high (due to high medical inflation as well as ICU bed charges) and also with recent advancements in medical technology like ROBOTIC surgeries and AI (Artificial Intelligence) being used in surgeries by medical professionals it is highly essential to have Higher Mediclaim Cover through this Super Top-up plan which should be taken when someone is hale and healthy!!
Always remember, Insurance is available whenever you don’t require it, because you may not get it when you require it!!!